Guiding Principles
Naturopathic medicine is a distinct form of primary care. It is the embodiment of holistic care through the incorporation of physiological, mental, emotional and spiritual influences on an individual’s health.
Our practice is guided by our founding principles of naturopathic medicine.
First, Do No Harm (primum non nocere)
• To provide the most effective and safe health care with the least amount of risk possible
Identify and Treat the Cause (tolle causum)
• While symptomatic treatments may be used, our main goal is to treat the underlying cause of illness
The Healing Power of Nature (vis medicatrix naturae)
• We possess the innate ability to heal ourselves, Naturopathic Medicine strives to support this process
Doctor as Teacher (docere)
• To educate, support and help facilitate the individual in taking responsibility for their health
Treat the Whole Person
• Recognize physical, mental, emotional, environmental and social aspects of the individual and the roles they play in our health
Emphasize Prevention
• Encouraging optimal health through emphasis on prevention of illness, rather than the treatment of it after the fact
Through compassionate, top quality and individualized care I am committed to helping each patient reach their health goals.
Naturopathic Medical Training
In order to work as a licensed naturopathic doctor, a candidate must undergo a rigorous education process. This begins with the completion of a bachelors degree, ensuring that all entrance prerequisites are met. Upon acceptance into the program prospective NDs must the complete four years of naturopathic medical training at an internationally accredited institution, which includes medical sciences, physical exam techniques, pharmacology, as well as extensive training in the naturopathic modalities (nutrition/neutraceuticals, lifestyle counselling, botanical medicine, acupuncture, physical modalities, and homeopathy). By the end of these four years, the graduate must then prepare and successfully complete licensing examinations.
The Naturopathic Physicians Licensing Examinations (NPLEX) is an internationally accredited and adjudicated exam. The first part, usually completed after the second year of training, is a day long exam in the medical sciences. The second part, completed upon completion of the four year program, is a 3.5 day exam that covers the clinical sciences, practical exams and jurisprudence. Additional residency training is then available should a new graduate apply and be accepted into a residency program (there are a limited number of spaces available). Most residency programs are an additional two years of practical training and experience in a teaching clinic or research facility.
By the time these steps have been completed, most licensed NDs will have finished, at minimum, 8 years of post secondary education on their road to becoming a licensed naturopathic doctor.Don’t worry about sounding professional. Sound like you. There are over 1.5 billion websites out there, but your story is what’s going to separate this one from the rest. If you read the words back and don’t hear your own voice in your head, that’s a good sign you still have more work to do.
Naturopathic Medicine in Nova Scotia
Nova Scotia has recently joined the ranks of provinces that have legislation supporting Naturopathic Medicine. Currently, British Columbia, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and Ontario have full regulation of naturopathic medicine. Nova Scotia has recently passed legislation (Naturopathic Doctors Act – July 2008) protecting the title of Naturopathic Doctor. Until now, in Nova Scotia it was a “buyer beware” market, where individuals without necessary training could promote themselves as Naturopathic Doctors. This legislation offers Nova Scotians reassurance that if they are visiting a Naturopathic Doctor who is a member of the provincial naturopathic association (www.nsand.ca), they are seeing someone who has met rigorous training and regulatory standards. While this is an excellent step in the right direction, our provincial association is still actively pursuing more comprehensive legislation.
The Nova Scotia Association of Naturopathic Doctors (NSAND) is the organization that ensures its members have met the necessary requirements, in keeping with fully regulated jurisdictions, and have successfully completed continuing education requirements.